Orientation Helps Student and Parents Transition to College LifeCollege student with packpack

Orientation provides students a chance to get adjusted to the campus and learn their way around. See how college orientation can help parents and students both transition to their new college life without additional stress.

It’s Never Too Soon to Start College VisitsCollege and service learning

Whether it’s a walk through a local university, taking kids to your college reunion, or spending a Saturday afternoon on the campus of your hometown school, a college visit can help your kids decide where they want to go. And it’s never to late to start touring schools!

How Volunteering Can Help Students Choose a College MajorStaying Connected Through Social Media

How do kids begin the process of choosing a college major? For some, it’s an easy decision. For other’s, it’s a little harder. Learn how volunteering can make the decision easier.

15 Things to Do Before Your First Day of College!Higher education setting, college students listening to speaker

Congratulations! You’ve been accepted to college! There’s a lot to do between now and that first day of school. Check out these 15 tips to help you make a smooth transition

Coming of AgeCollege students engaged on their phone

Today’s teens and young adults are “coming of age” in the first real digital era. Some of these soon-to-be adults have never even known life without computers.

10 Tips to Plan a Campus-Wide Service Eventcollege volunteers learning

If you’re planning a campus-wide service event for the first time, have one coming up this semester, or would like to initiate one in the future, here are 10 tips from seasoned veterans to ensure a successful and meaningful event.

One Teen Inspires Volunteerism and ServiceNobleHour Volunteer

Meghana Iragavarapu spends her days volunteering at a local refugee resettlement program and scouting new volunteer opportunities the service club she founded at her school, Early College at Guilford. Meghana is also proud to be a NobleHour Ambassador, but we’re more proud to have her. Learn more about her efforts here.

10 TED Talks That Demonstrate the Power of Experiential Learningorganization collaboration for volunteer events

Service-learning and experiential learning can transform the way students absorb information by integrating real-world experiences with classroom lessons. Check out these TEDx talks that explore how service-learning is helping students understand social issues and empowering them to take action.

5 Ways Student Volunteering Can Help Your Job SearchTime for Success

When your resume is a little light, and your skills are lacking in the areas you want to focus, volunteering can help. Ready this short blog post to learn how volunteering can help boost your resume, and help your job search after college.

How Volunteering and Service Can Help with College AdmissionsEngage your employees with corporate volunteerism

While extracurricular activities and leadership skills have always been a part of the admissions process, universities are now looking more closely at engagement and student volunteering record. See how volunteering and service can impact your odds of an acceptance letter.