Like many volunteer programs in their early days, Silver Cord used paper forms to track volunteer hours. Paper forms sound like an easy solution for tracking volunteer activity, but with 125 students it got messy pretty quickly and was a big job to organize.
Parent Volunteers Make All the Difference for Art Literacy Program
Art Literacy teaches and engages kids in the arts and is a staple in Beaverton, OR. Started by a mother of local students, the Art Literacy program offers the only elementary art program in the Beaverton School District. The craziest part? It’s 100% run by volunteers and two part-time district employees.
10 Reasons Why VTO is Great for Working Parents
Some VTO programs don’t allow parents to use their time off to volunteer at their children’s schools. Here are 10 reasons why we’d like to put that practice to bed, and why we want to encourage businesses to offer VTO that allows working parents to volunteer in schools.
6 Ways to Say Thanks On National Teacher’s Day
Every day should be National Teacher Appreciation! Read the NobleHour blog for 6 great, and very simple ways to say “thanks” this year!
The Benefits of Parent Volunteerism and Engagement in Schools
Budget cuts and massive layoffs to teachers and faculty are hurting our schools in incalculable ways. Parental volunteers can help in numerous ways. Learn what you can do as a parent volunteer to help your child and their school.
Not All College Talks With Your Parents Need to be Awkward!
College will be a big change for you and your parents. Conversations about “leaving the nest” can feel awkward, but there are a few things you need to talk about. Check out our 9 conversations about college you should have before your first day.
14 Tips for Students and Teachers to Celebrate RAK Week
RAK Week is an annual opportunity to unite through kindness. Get your school involved in this celebration of doing good with these 14 simple tips! It all starts with one act – one smile, one simple gesture.
$50,000 Grant Brings Teen Volunteerism to the Forefront
Through a service learning experience and the power of volunteerism, this nonprofit, in partnership with NobleHour is mobilizing a new generation of passionate, informed leaders who are connected and caring citizens. See how Center For Family Services is using a $50,000 NobleCause grant to address the unmet needs of their community.
8 Tips for Freshmen to Survive & Thrive in High School
With a little preparation and advice from teachers and upperclassmen, your freshman will not only survive high school, but also thrive! Check out our 8 tips to ensure a great start to high school.
Scheduling College Tours? Begin with Basic Questions
In part two of our series on college visits, we discuss how to decide which schools to visit and when to schedule tours. We share the basics on how to schedule college visits so that you can make the process as easily as possible.