NobleHour Solutions

NobleHour provides businesses, nonprofits, schools, and higher education institutions an easy online platform to find, and manage volunteers, track hours and measure their community impact.


Engage your employees, connect with community partners, and track the impact your organization is making in the community.


Post opportunities, connect and engage with your volunteers, and track the impact your volunteers are making in the community.


Easily connect with community partners. Track and verify student volunteer hours, and create powerful, impact reports.

Higher Ed

Connect your students, faculty, and staff with community partners; log, track, and verify volunteer hours; and collect service-learning reflections.

NobleHour Blog

Engaged employees volunteer as a group to make an impact in their community.

The NobleHour Team Gives Back with NobleCause

At NobleHour, we are happy to give back to our community. And we are especially excited about the recent announcement of our $1,000,000 grant competition called NobleCause. NobleCause was created to foster volunteerism and is open to high schools, school districts, post secondary institutes, and nonprofits across the nation.

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NobleHour Volunteer

One Teen Inspires Volunteerism and Service

Meghana Iragavarapu spends her days volunteering at a local refugee resettlement program and scouting new volunteer opportunities the service club she founded at her school, Early College at Guilford. Meghana is also proud to be a NobleHour Ambassador, but we’re more proud to have her. Learn more about her efforts here.

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Retired couple engaged in conversation

10 Ways to Celebrate Grandparents Day

National Grandparents Day is Sunday, September 13. So in honor of all the wonderful grandparents out there, we’ve come up with a list of 10 ways to celebrate the day and honor your grandparents! Whether they are near or far, you can honor them year round.

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