NobleHour Solutions

NobleHour provides businesses, nonprofits, schools, and higher education institutions an easy online platform to find, and manage volunteers, track hours and measure their community impact.


Engage your employees, connect with community partners, and track the impact your organization is making in the community.


Post opportunities, connect and engage with your volunteers, and track the impact your volunteers are making in the community.


Easily connect with community partners. Track and verify student volunteer hours, and create powerful, impact reports.

Higher Ed

Connect your students, faculty, and staff with community partners; log, track, and verify volunteer hours; and collect service-learning reflections.

Uniting Through Kindness

It all starts with one act

Formally recognized in 1995, this seven-day celebration demonstrates that kindness is contagious. It all starts with one act – one smile, one coffee for a stranger, one favor for a friend. It’s an opportunity for participants to leave the world better than they found it and inspire others to do the same. –Random Acts of Kindness Foundation.

What began as a fun Random Acts of Kindness campaign last year turned into a heart warming sociology experiment.  We made 200 yellow envelopes stuffed with $5, and a note about Random Acts of Kindness. Our team passed these #NobleHourHigh5 envelopes out to people we caught ‘in the act’ of doing something kind; holding the door open for a stranger, going that extra mile for customer service, neighbors helping neighbors. Having the task of handing out these cards meant we opened our eyes, and looked for moments of good. And you know what we found? Acts of goodness were happening all around us. And Random Acts of Kindness are truly contagious.

Visit our Facebook page to share your #RAKweek2018 or #NobleHourHigh5 photos and to inspire others.

Or find ways to get involved in your area, by creating a free NobleHour account today.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Having car trouble, these two good samaritans stopped to help and supply their jumper cables. What is a more Random Act of Kindness than helping a stranded motorist. #NobleHourHigh5

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Returning a lost wallet gets this friendly person a #NobleHourHigh5! She found the wallet on the street & managed to track down the owner thru Instagram! She sent a message and the wallet was returned the next day! Now that's being a great neighbor!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

This brother gets a NobleHour High5 for cleaning up after breakfast for his sister's birthday party sleepover guests!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

This gentlemen is a restaurant host and was giving everyone compliments as they walked by. He said it’s his job to just spread a little happiness. What a wonderful job to have! We want to spread happiness too with a #NobleHourHigh5!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Sometimes, all you need to make your day better is a smile! This Portland State University student shares hers on her way to class! Just a simple random act of kindness makes our day better and deserves a #NobleHourHigh5!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

This gentleman always goes out of his way to help anyone and everyone. He opens doors, gives directions and tips on the local area, and he asked how he could help us when all we wanted was to give him a NobleHour High Five!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

This little Kung Fu Master saw his sensei going above for her students. He thanked her for her kindness and gave her a NobleHourHigh5.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

These friendly baristas at Oracle Coffee always serve up a smile when pulling our shots. They are two of the nicest people you'll ever meet.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

We've all been there; self check-out just isn't working- that's when this smiling employee came over to the rescue!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Going above and beyond for customer service! Thank you!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

This employee at our corner PlaidPantry goes above and beyond to help customers.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

While stopped at a red light, our St. Louis cab driver handed a dollar out the window to a homeless vet on the side of the road. When we praised him for his good deed he said "in the bible it says when you help others, it comes back to you." We couldn't agree more.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

The grocery store check out lines were all very long, but this wonderful lady let a shopper with just one item go ahead of her in line! Her kindness gets her a #NobleHourHigh5!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

RAK Week 2017 was a great opportunity to give a #NobleHourHigh5 to the outstanding security staff at Jones College Prep High School in Chicago. Thank you for watching out for our students & greeting parents with a smile each day!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

This adorable little girl is non verbal, and has 'sensory issues', but that didn't stop her from cozying up to another passenger. Together the two briefly chatted in sign-language. She squealed with delight when I handed her her very own #noblehigh5.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Faculty from a local elementary school are out everyday making sure our tiny humans cross the street safely. We LOVE our schools, and our teachers. We can't thank them enough for everything they do!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Mary from the University of Chicago is the sweetest table neighbor at the IMPACT Conference in St. Louis. Thanks Mary for being so wonderfully sweet and welcoming!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

We love our WeWork Team! They keep us hydrated, and our office supplies stocked! Thanks for all your hard work!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Stormy and Michelle at Felida Coffee House got a #Noblehourhigh5 for covering the cost of a drink for someone who forgot their wallet. In addition, they ALWAYS go out of their way to cheer everyone.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Dex is the kindest and hardest-working barista at developer Steve's neighborhood coffee shop.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Answering lots of questions & helping locate a book with a smile gets this librarian a #NobleHourHigh5! He plans to pay it forward and share the kindness! Thanks for the help!!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

These lovely ladies asked if we were college students, so of course we gave them a #NobleHourHigh5! They then paid it forward and gave it to an actual college student who took this photo.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

This sweet man let our NobleHigh5 member go down the escalator first. Good manners are always an act of kindness.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Ranger always makes us smile. Thanks for always stopping by our office.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

This Tri-Met employee went above and beyond helping commuters during a busy rush hour.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Just the excitement of opening this envelope was enough for this student! She paid her #NobleHourHigh5 forward.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Getting home from a long day at school and helping your mom carry the groceries upstair and put them away without being asked deserves a NobleHourHigh5

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

A helping hand; after a woman slipped and fell on the CTA platform in Chicago, this young man stopped to help her up and ask if she was okay.

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Life is good with caring neighbors. Never take great neighbors for granted! Here's a NobleHourHigh5!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Feeling the love of RAK Week from our super friendly grocery staff. Here's a #NobleHourhigh5.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

This Portland State University student always has a smile and a friendly "hello" during her busy day on campus.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Darla from New Seasons supermarket makes us smile with this fun bouquet of flowers... we make her smile with a NobleHour High 5.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

How many times has the elevator door closed just as you arrived? Not today thanks to this lovely lady & her charming daughter! It may not seem like a lot, but holding the door for someone can make their day a little brighter! Thank you!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

This Portland city employees keeps Pioneer Square safe and clean!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Just a simple smile and a friendly hello deserves a NobleHour High Five.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

We love #nurses! Every day they dedicate themselves to helping others! This amazing nurse in Chicago gets a #NobleHourHigh5 for going out of her way to make a patient feel comfortable during a procedure. #Kindness always makes a difference! The Random Acts of Kindness Foundation#RAKWeek2018

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

This security officer makes sure everyone who comes to the Portland visitor center is safe.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Another stranded motorist, helped by another random act of kindness from a stranger.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Dave, the "maintenance guy" is a cool dude that loves our puppy Prince.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

My waitress took time to entertain the baby of a woman sitting by herself so the mother could use the restroom. She was the only waitress in our section and, instead of looking frazzled, took her time with each table. Left her this surprise as part of her tip.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Our Postmates delivery was super speedy today! Thank you for feeding our hungry team!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Not sure what's more amazing - ice skating in 60 degree weather in Chicago in February or this young girl letting a stranger know that her cell phone was about to fall out of her back pocket on the rink! We think both are pretty wonderful.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

How many times have you just walked by trash on the floor or on the street? Not this high school student! Not only did he pick up the paper, but he recycled it too! Simple acts of kindness deserve a #NobleHourHigh5

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

It's great having nice, friendly office neighbors!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Jeffery from Drake University got a #noblehourhigh5 for all his hard work and impact on the community. We love volunteers!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Waiting patiently while your mom is grocery shopping isn't easy! This shy little guy was an angel while waiting in the check out line! Hope he shares his #NobleHourHigh5 with mom!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Did we mention just how much we love and appreciate our baristas? Brittany is always smiling and happily chats with customers while their orders are being made.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Who says Chivalry is dead? Not in Chicago where this very kind gentleman opened and held the door for others to walk through.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Michelle sells her paintings outside our building. Many people from NobleHour know her well. We buy her food, bagels or her favorite; french toast. At the end of Random Acts of Kindness week, we still had a number of cards left over. What better person than Michelle to receive the left over cards, to help her buy much needed antibiotics. And lucky Allison, got a beautiful painting out of it! Smiles all around.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Race volunteers always deserve a high five! Despite being very cold, and wet, these smiling gals helped tired runners cross the finish line.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Kindness is everywhere - including by the Cloud Gate sculpture in the Windy City. This Chicagoan stopped during his lunch break to help capture a special picture for two tourists. Little did he know we would be taking a picture of him! He said he would pay it forward to someone on his way back to work!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Finding Random Acts of Kindness wherever we go! Thanks Leigha for holding the door open at the Bollywood Theater.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Steve from Costco was not only extremely helpful, but cheerful as well. We offered him a NobleHigh5. He politely declines saying he couldn't accepts tips, but did as we pay it forward.

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

It's great having nice, friendly office neighbors!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Joe from the Portland Trail Blazers always makes sure the fans have a great time!

NobleHour spreads Random acts of Kindness

Thanks for making us smile, and never breaking character! Street artists always get a high-5 from us!

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Celebrating these parents giving their time to their kids' school. Way to help make a difference!

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A teen making dinner for her parents, just because! Random Acts of Kindness can start on the street, or in the home.
