NobleCause Grant to Fund Innovative Service-Learning Modelstudent volunteer resources

Imagine the impact 75,000 students could make if they participated in a community focused service-learning experience every school year. That’s what the National Center for Learning and Civic Engagement (NCLCE) plans to find out with the help of a $50,000 NobleCause grant.

United Way Chapter Fills Gaps in Community with NobleCause GrantKids and parent volunteers engage in outdoor learning

United Way focused grants on where they could make the biggest impact. Learn how they used a NobleCause grant to help their community.

NobleCause Helps Volunteers Nurture Portland’s NatureNobleHour employee Vincent volunteering

The Forest Park Conservancy (FPC) is the only non-profit organization dedicated solely to restoring and protecting Portland’s urban forest. Recently, the nonprofit organization received much welcomed help from a national grant by NobleCause to foster volunteerism. See how they plan to use it.

Autism Empowerment Inspires Acts of ServiceAutism Awareness

More than 3.5 million Americans live with Autism Spectrum Disorder. Every one of the 3.5 million individuals have specific strengths and talents that can be used to help others. Learn how one organization is tapping into these strengths to make a difference.

$50,000 Grant Brings Teen Volunteerism to the ForefrontAll hands in for volunteering

Through a service learning experience and the power of volunteerism, this nonprofit, in partnership with NobleHour is mobilizing a new generation of passionate, informed leaders who are connected and caring citizens. See how Center For Family Services is using a $50,000 NobleCause grant to address the unmet needs of their community.

Niagara University Program Helps Community in Crisisnonprofit farmers market shopping

With the help of NobleCause, Niagara University creates “Community Kitchen,” a program designed to give local residents access to nutritious food.

Nonprofit Helps Adults Gain Literacy SkillsAdult literacy programs

Nearly 35 million adults in the US cannot read or write beyond a 3rd grade level. Learn how an Ohio nonprofit is working to change that thanks to NobleCause.

NobleCause Grant Helps Support Child Assault Prevention ProgramOlder Sibling Helping Youngers sister

It’s is estimated that a quarter of all children are mistreated, abused, or witness family violence. With staggering numbers like that, it’s frightening to consider how or if these children get assistance.

Pharmacy Students Help Nevada Residents through National GrantHigher education setting, college students listening to speaker

A national grant of $50,000 from NobleCause, an award program to foster volunteerism, is funding the student chapter of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) to recruit and train more student volunteers to assist Medicare beneficiaries in the ASCP call lab.

North Carolina Nonprofit Making a Difference in the Lives of RefugeesEmployee engagement through volunteerism and a strong CSR program

North Carolina receives about 2,200 refugees per year. Charlotte alone resettles about 650 people. See how one nonprofit plans to use a NobleCause grant to increase their volunteer base to extend their reach and resources.