Imagine the resources retired baby boomers could provide to any number of people if they decided to gift their time and energy while sharing their wealth of knowledge. Learn more about baby boomer volunteers.
NobleHour provides businesses, nonprofits, schools, and higher education institutions an easy online platform to find, and manage volunteers, track hours and measure their community impact.
Engage your employees, connect with community partners, and track the impact your organization is making in the community.
Post opportunities, connect and engage with your volunteers, and track the impact your volunteers are making in the community.
Easily connect with community partners. Track and verify student volunteer hours, and create powerful, impact reports.
Connect your students, faculty, and staff with community partners; log, track, and verify volunteer hours; and collect service-learning reflections.
Imagine the resources retired baby boomers could provide to any number of people if they decided to gift their time and energy while sharing their wealth of knowledge. Learn more about baby boomer volunteers.
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